this blog is all about life

Friday, November 16, 2012

Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid

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 The original quote is actually: “Go at it boldly, and you'll find unexpected forces closing round you and coming to your aid” however, it is sometimes cited as "Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid."

This was quote was by a Canadian author and pastor Basil King, when he was speaking about overcoming fear. This quote speaks about courage.
I think it means that if you are willing to be daring and courageous in your acts then you will always find help. Someone will always be willing to assist those who are brave enough to ask for help.


Happiness uplifts me
It fills my heart, my mind and my soul
And it gives me the strength I need
It is a good feeling that enters my mind each day
And takes my sadness away, fills me with joy
Makes me excited and thrilled, warms my heart and soul each day
Gives me a sense of relief, welcomes me each morning when I get up
Happiness can be seen in my eyes.

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If not now, then when?

What are you waiting for? This is not giving you permission to go out and spend until you drop. I am talking about all the things you say you want to do, but put it off for various reasons. You know what I am talking about, it is the weight you want to lose, the exercise you put off, the class you want to take, but put off. The business you want to start, or the habit you want to break.

Let’s be honest, anything worthwhile is difficult, because if it were easy everyone would do it. Do not wait or put things off anything, just get up and do it before you end up regretting yourself. 
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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Do you celebrate the things you do have?

I never celebrate the things I have because I think I don’t have things worth celebrating. Other people have achieved much more than I do, so the things I have achieved mean little to me and I just don’t think it’s worth celebrating small achievements.

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I perhaps should change my attitude towards myself because every little thing I have should count for something and should be celebrated.  From now on every small be it small or big I’m going to celebrate it because it is God’s will that I have the things that I have and other people have nothing and I have more than them.

Watch this space.


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Which activities make you lose track of time?

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I only have one activity that makes me lose track of time, and that activity is television. I just love sitting in front of the TV and watch all of my favourite programmes, or even new programmes that I have never watched.

Without TV my life would be boring, I can’t spend a day without watching it. Some people would die if they don’t have their cell phones with them but I, for one don’t care much about a cell phone, I all care about is TV.  Whenever I seat in front of a TV I forget about everything else around me and just focus on it.

Friday, November 9, 2012

My favourite Cat in the hat book is.....because

My favourite Cat in the hat book is how the Grinch stole Christmas because the book questions the commercialization of Christmas. It subtly exposes greed and promotes the values of love and community with smartness, humour, and flawlessly constructed rhymes.

When I was young I loved Christmas and the book tells the young and old that the spirit of Christmas is true even if there are no presents and decorations. Christmas spirits should never changed despite the challenges that occur before Christmas.

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When you’re her age, (over 80) what will matter to you most?

When I’m over 80 the thing that will matter most is my family, when you've reached that age the only thing that is important is family. You only think about them and if they are happy and are united as a family and not having quarrels.

Another thing that will matter most would be my life; I would want to live a healthy and happy life. I don’t want to think about death but live life like a young adult.

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Why I have conversations

Wikipedia defines conversation as a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more people who are following rules of etiquette.

Reasons why I have conversations:
1.    To share and receive information.
2.    To make friends
3.    To stop thinking and avoid silence
4.    To understand people’s mind sets or thinking

What is the difference between living and existing?

The difference between living and existing

Living is living you’re life the way that you want and being happy with the way things are going in it. Living is being able to breathe fresh life and being noticed by the people are around you. It is doing things the way that they are suppose to happen and just being able to enjoy life.

Existing is being alive but not being noticed. When you exist you are just in the space of living and not entirely happy with your life. You are there but not fulfilling anything in your life and are alive just by name and not by your doings.

I am living and not existing........

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My big fat BIG dream

My big fat BIG dream is to travel; I haven’t been out of South Africa or even Cape Town for that matter. Firstly I want to visit all the beautiful cities we have here in South Africa before heading to countries overseas.
I want to see all the places that people talk about and that I see on TV and on the internet. I want to visit each and every place in the world if possible. I also want to say “been there, done that, burnt the t-shirt”.

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Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

Crying could be a sign of weakness or strength depending on the situation you’re crying about. Crying over a boyfriend or girlfriend because they dumped you is a sign of weakness, crying for something good that happened in your life (the tears of joy) are a sign of strength, because you are crying over something that makes sense not over a small thing like being dumped.

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Conventional is a good fallback position isn't it

Conventional is a safe approach to life; however you cannot gain great things if you do not risk great loss. Changes can be a scary thing when embarking on it, but the rewards can be well worth it, so be extraordinary.
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Time or money?

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Time and money are both important in life, so we need both of them to live. But to some people the other is more important than the other one. To some money is more important than time and vice versa, but you can’t spend money without time and you need time to have money.

If I had to choose between the two, I would definitely choose time, because I still need time to live my life and do all the things I desire in my life. To me money is not important but time is very essential.

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time, this true because while you trying to chase one the other one has already ran away, so it is best to only chase one at a time.

It is better to focus on one thing at a certain time and not on two or more, because in the end you will lose focus on one of the things you’re busy with. It is the same as juggling for the first time, you will not be able to juggle five things at the same time and one of them is bound to fall while you are busy trying to juggle.

Take things one step at a time and they will easily fall into place and not try to do them at the same time.

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What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I grew up I always wanted to be an actress. I saw myself being in the limelight and becoming the greatest star. I still have the love for the acting field but it seems like it does not pay much, and I always pictured seeing my name being screened at the end of a movie or series.

If I had to change roles and become the star that I want I would not hesitate even if it does not pay huge amounts, but just being seeing on TV everyday would make me the happiest girl on the planet.

"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea" (Alain)

An idea is just whatever is before the mind when one thinks.

Alain stated that, “Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea”. By this he means it is safer to have more than one idea, otherwise one is forced to only try that idea. What happens if that one idea isn’t successful? Then what? You are going to be stuck and will not have a way forward because you only had one idea and not multiple plans in case the one doesn’t work out.

Plan B, C, D and E is always necessary to have than only plan A!!!!!!!
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would you break the law to save a loved one?

Yes, I would definitely break the law to save a loved one. The only person I would do such a thing for is my mother, she means everything to me and if breaking the law is the only option to save her, I would not think twice of doing it.
My mother is my rock, I would do anything for her even if it means putting my life in the line.

Have you figured the second head fake?

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Randy Pausch’s first head fake was that life should not be about reaching ones dreams but about leading a good and satisfied life. It is not the end result but the means that matter. The second head fake, his speech was not for the students but for his children. He wanted them to know the kind of man he was and teach them what he had learned.

If you lead your life the right way ... the dreams will come to you. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Definition of foodists: someone who enjoys food more than anything.

You will not find this word in any dictionary but my own dictionary of made up words. I came up with this word after hearing people in media studies class saying that they are socialists, fashionist and so on, so I decided to create my own word. I enjoy eating food and anything that has to do with food and this is the right word for someone like me.

I am very critical when it comes to food and will try anything that tastes, smells and looks good on a plate. Good food makes my stomach happy and when my stomachs happy, than I am a happy chap. I don’t care about other stuff such as clothes and other material things; all I care about is food.

I find joy and comfort in food and don’t care what the world says about me.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I am?

·         Passionate
·         Caring
·         Human
·         Wild
·         Responsible
·         Bold
·         Alive
·         Loving
·         Forgiving
·         Dedicated
·         Good listener
·         Hard-working
·         Determined
·         Thoughtful
·         Joker
·         Friendly
·         Fun to be around
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A stolen poem

I was given this poem by my boyfriend and I thought it was sweet of him to write me a poem. Only to find out it was written by Tupac Shakur but my boyfriend made it his own. After finding out the truth I didn’t know what to do or say to him because he copied it from someone else and was not his original words.  I don’t know if he feels this way about me or what but the words of the poem have a meaning that may somehow be directed to me, maybe that’s the reason he gave it o me.
The power of a smile
The power of a gun can kill
And the power of fire can burn
The power of wind can chill
And the power of the mind can learn
The power of anger can rage
Inside until it tears u apart
But the power of a smile
Especially yours can heal a frozen heart

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Andy Warhol said, “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.” You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?

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I can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would I be world famous?
I don’t know if I will ever be world famous, and let alone be famous for 15 minutes.  For me 15 minutes of fame is too little, I want to be famous for a lifetime and not only for a few minutes.  
However if I do become world famous, I want to be famous for something positive and not negative, like the celebrities who become famous for doing or saying something  stupid that gets people’s attention quick.
I would also not mind being famous for something such as falling of a chair at some important function or doing something that has never been done before. I believe that we all can’t be famous because there are a lot of us in the world and it is quite impossible to achieve such thing.
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Baking my new passion

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Baking has always been my hobby, but now it has turned into something that I am passionate about.  My friends find me weird that I always watch baking shows on the television and not some other shows. They find the shows boring but to me they are teaching me about baking.
I have never felt so passionately about baking before and now I am starting to have regrets about the career I’m currently pursuing. I know that one day I will have the strength to make my dreams a reality and with God by my side nothing will go wrong.
I will start small by baking at home and selling my goods and from the onwards I will open up a shop that will sell only the best goodies.
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A skill set called leadership.

Leadership is taking people where they would not have gone by themselves. To be a leader, you need followers and you need to be taking the somewhere, and without followers, you're not leading.

Leadership is a means that brings out the best in people, to inspire and motivate them to commit their energies, skills and talents to delivering a vision. Leadership influences the behaviour and actions of others. Being a successful leader depends not only on your qualities and skills, but also on the needs and expectations of the people you lead and the needs of the situation itself. Understanding yourself and others will help you understand and respond more effectively to these needs and expectations.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

losing weight a nightmare!!!!!

I am FAT and been trying to lose weight, but it’s so difficult to shed the weight off. The magazines and internet sites make it sound so easy but in fact it’s a mission and a half.  It was hard because I had no self discipline because I would tell myself that I would junk food for the last time before I begin with dieting, but I was fooling myself.
The cravings never stop and trying to eat small portions of food felt like I was punishing myself. I even bought Heberx Attack the fat syrup but that didn’t help because I sometimes forgot to drink it and being at home the whole day made me want to eat every chance I got.
I really want to lose weight as my clothes don’t fit me perfectly anymore and I also don’t want to get any chronic diseases. I am urging for help but don’t know where to begin.

List your top 200 achievements

Listing my top 200 achievements will be very hard because 200 is such a large number and I don’t think that I have that amount of achievements in my life. I have given my best shot at thinking about some of the best achievements that have happened in my life.
My top achievements:
·         Being born ( the chosen one out of 1000s)
·         Becoming a daughter, sister and an aunt.
·         Being alive today
·         Taking my first walk and saying my first word
·         Knowing my alphabets from A-Z
·         Graduating from pre-school
·         Finally going to primary school
·         Learning  cursive writing in grade 3
·         Winning a colouring competition in grade 4
·         Receiving self defence certificates  in grade 5
·         Being a prefect in grade 7
·         Being the leader of drama and public speaking group
·         Entering the life of high school
·         Being class representative in grade 8
·         Being class representative in grade 9
·         Meeting my first boyfriend in
·         Receiving a certificate for best achievement in accounting in grade 10
·         Quitting physical sciences class for business studies class in grade 12
·         Passing matric
·          Being selected for drama classes at the Baxter Theatre
·         Getting a certificate for finishing level 1 and level 2 at the Baxter Theatre
·         Being on the top 5 of people that had received callbacks  for monologue auditions at the Baxter Theatre
·         Studying at CPUT
·         Passing my learners licence
·         Graduating
·         Studying for a degree
I’m still young and have not yet reached 200 achievements but I am going to get there steady but surely.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What motivates me?

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I am mostly motivated by the blessing of waking up every single morning because not everyone gets the chance to wake up every single day. It also motivates me because I never know when the Lord would want me by his side.

Having a loving and supporting family also motivates me to achieve my goals and to be who I want to be. Not everyone has family that will support them in what they desire in life. My family is my motivator because they let me choose what I want in life and let me learn from my mistakes so that I can grow and see things in a different light than before.

Write a list: the 10 most unexpected consequences of being online.

The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online.

1.       Meeting people from the past that you would rather forget.
2.       Constantly checking up on your ex’s profile.
3.       Learning about things you didn’t even know existed.
4.       It’s easier for other people to find out more about you-be careful of what you say and post because it can turn out to be negative or positive.
5.       Getting weird phone calls from strangers (stalkers).
6.       You lose your private life.
7.       Always being available to chat, especially if you have a Smartphone.
8.       Misunderstandings between conversations because there’s no face to face interaction.
9.       Accidently sending a wrong message to the wrong recipient.
10.   Addictive
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The elephant in the room

When I first saw this topic, I didn’t know the meaning of it and I thought it meant that the elephant was literally in the middle of the room, not knowing that it was an idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed.
The elephant in the room in my family mainly happens when a family gets heavily drunk, we all know that when some members of the family get drunk they cause a scene and starting behaving in a drunken manner, but we all choose to ignore their behaviours and feel powerless because in most cases drunk people never listen to anyone.
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Friday, June 8, 2012

how to make relationships work

some points to make the relationship work and to last longer:

  • Don't try too hard to convince the other person of your love. Love and trust yourself more. This will relax your love defenses and enable you to give yourself totally to the relationship.
  • Don't question the other person's love all the time.
  • Don't use your relationships to fulfill your expectations.
  • know yourself. Analyze the cause of your reactions.
  • Acknowledge the other person as an individual. Grow and let grow.
  • In a conflicting relationship, check where you went wrong rather than where the other person failed.
  • listen to each other. Communication strengthens the foundation of a relationship.
  • take the first step in working out a relationship without worrying about who is in the right. Don't depend on any person and don't let the other person depend on you.

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Every day is a good day.

Every day is a good day regardless of the negativity it might come with. The hardships that we go through are actually lessons, that we should always see each day as a good day. Make everyday a good day and you will surely have a brighter life.
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Monday, May 28, 2012

role model

At school we were always taught that in life we should have role models. Teachers always asked who were our role models and we always used to choose famous people, especially American’s and if we chose from South Africa, it would be Mandela.  We always thought that having famous people as role models was best and was acceptable, because if you chose an unknown person than you were seen as stupid.
Now that I am grown up, I know that a role model doesn’t necessarily have to be a well-known person but can be anyone that has good leadership skills. A person who’s not perfect but sets a good example and who learns from their mistakes.
My role model is my mother, she’s not the perfect mother but she learns from her mistakes. She’s a very charismatic person and cares about other people other than herself. She’s my rock and leads a good example for me and teaches me about life.

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our greatest strenghts are our greatest weaknesses

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses; I tend to believe in this statement because our strengths and weakness can vary from person to person, I would say all depending on things in life we may have experienced.
For me one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses is my ability to continuously speak my mind. I never beat about the bush; I tell a person exactly what is on my mind. It is said honesty is the best policy so it’s better to be honest then lie to a person, even though this might be the case, I need to know when to bite my tongue and when not to because what I say can often be hurtful and mean without me realising.
So it is true that our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses, take it from me, I know.

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